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Coronavirus and the supply chain
Blocks & Files polled several leading storage vendors today about the effects of Covid-19 on their supply chains. At time of writing, no supplier is reporting difficulties or staff shortages.
But Jerome Lecat, CEO of Scality, an object storage vendor, noted: “For the next few months, storage server and drive supply is a concern. While we don’t sell hardware, our customers do need hardware on which to install or expand storage systems based on Scality RING.
“As of now, we are not seeing shortages, and we do not yet see a need to adjust forecasts in anticipation of shortages. We do take this seriously, however, and are monitoring, with concern both for the health of our employees and associates, and for the health of our business.”
Storage vendors are possibly unaware of the impact of coronavirus on the suppliers of their suppliers. For instance, Resilinc, a US supply chain data firm, is forecasting shortages for capacitors and resistors, used in printed circuit boards. Bindiya Vakil, CEO, told the Financial Times: “The scariest thing we see is the highest numbers of parts [made in and around Hubei] are caps and resistors – tiny things nobody cares about – plus thermal components, plastics and resins, and sheet metals.”
Read the complete article from Chris Mellor at Blocks & Files>>